Technical Support

Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are having problems or need assistance, please refer to the following for help with your problems:

= Apple Key
(the key directly to the left of the space bar with either an apple or squiggly box symbol)

While Building Templates and Nodes
+ A = Select All
+ D = Duplicate selected item
+ F = Move selected item to Front
+ J = Move selected item to Back
+ I = Brings up Set Size window to enter specific sizes
+ R = Select All
+ Q = Quits the program
+ R = Resizes the selected item to the layout size
+ S = Prompts you to save Node or Template
+ W = Prompts you to Return to Main
+ Z = Use to Undo the last action

While Working in the Operation Window
Direct Connect with a Kodak Camera

+ 3 = Releases shutter (snaps a picture)

Other shortcuts in Operations Window
+ DELETE = To delete image from Thumbnail (deletes image, does not remove)


Single Image Preview Mode

esc key or + W Gives you the option to Return to Main
Click once on a thumbnail To load that image into the Image Preview Window (as opposed to dragging it into the window)
Double click the image in the Image Preview Window To see an enlarged preview of that image in a new window (Click continue to return)
F Keys Providing you have set up packages before entering the Operation Window, you can press the function key pertaining to the desired package to print that package. Package 1 = F1, Package 2 = F2, and so on.
Click and hold on the image in the Image Preview Window drop down menu appears (the same menu you can pull down under individual thumbnails) allowing you to quickly access the Kodak Image Settings, rotate the image, save, etc


Drag & Drop Preview Mode

clear key or end key Allows you to clear the current Template being viewed in the Image Preview Window
Click once on an image in the current template To get the Image Tool Bar (to make zoom, shift rotate or color adjustments)

home key

With All Images or Marked Images selected for the template you're using (Preferences > TEPS Settings > Output Canvases > Print Images) you can autoload all the thumbnails into each image node on the current template in the Image Preview Window
page down key With All Images or Marked Images selected AND Print All Pages selected, the page down key loads the next page of images into the template
page up key With All Images or Marked Images selected AND Print All Pages selected, the page up key returns you to the previous page of images
+ key Click an image in the current template and the + key zooms image larger. Small increments are single presses of + key, steady zooming is holding + key
- key Click an image in the current template and the - key zooms image smaller. Small increments are single presses of - key, steady zooming is holding - key
Arrow keys Click an image in the current template and the arrow keys will move the image in the direction of the arrow pressed
Tab key Removes the Image Tool Bar menu
