TriPrism Software: BAMBOO


Preview & Print from almost any device!


Bamboo is a bundled suite of applications that allow you to customize preview and print from almost any device

Current Version of Bamboo (Version v4.18.0)

UPDATED 08/10/2024 | v4.18.0

Included Applications

TEPS X Share

Bamoo allows you to be able to preview and print from multiple devices

TEPS Processor

TEPS Processor processes and composes images to Print or save to file.

TEPS Print Center

TEPS Print Center is used for printing images from supported printers.

TEPS HttpUploader

TEPS HttpUploader allows you to seemlessly upload photos to PT CheckOut or PT MicroSite.

The TEPS-X Portrait and Event workflow software is designed for professional photographers seeking digital technology solutions to expedite the process of delivering their products and services to their customers. TEPS-X is quick to set-up, easy to use, and it is designed to work with virtually any combination of digital cameras and printers.